The Old Diocesan

Peter Wright (1957F) called in last Friday (29 June) from his satellite phone on his farm near Strydenburg in the Northern Cape, to say that his copy of The Old Diocesan had arrived! Peter thanked in particular Tim Richman (1995B, and Editor), Anton Taylor (2005B, and OD Committee member), Nicole Du Rand (OD Administrator), and Alan Ramsay (1960F), as well as all the other OD contributors to a lovely first edition of the OD magazine. He was very pleased to receive his copy!
Please treat yourself by having a look at the gallery of ODs with the magazine, and places it has travelled. Look under 'Photos' for "The Old Diocesan Out and About".
Please feel free to keep on sending your experiences with this special communications tool.

Find out about ODs shaking up the world in economics, investing, the South African wine industry, mezcal-making and more, click

To order a free hard copy, please fill out the link HERE!

Rain in the Western Cape!
The OD Office would like to acknowledge and thank all those who had the drought-ridden Western Cape in their thoughts and prayers.
This past weekend brought relief in heavy rains, and snow on the mountains. According to the Government website, www.dwa.gov.za/Hydrology/Weekly/Province.aspx, dam levels in the Western Cape have now crept to over the 41% mark. This in in contrast to the 23% of last year. The people of the Western Cape owns a big debt of gratitude to the agricultural community, who's willingness to reduce water usage by 60% saved the province from running out of water in a Day Zero scenario.
Despite the favourable weather, Level 6B water restrictions still apply in the province. This means, amongst other restrictions, that residents are restricted to a daily limit of 50 litres of water or less per person whether at home, work, school, or elsewhere.
Please see some pictures of how Bishops deals with the water crisis under 'Photos', and scroll to "The Bishops Trust - Capital Projects".

ODs in Canada
Bruce Jack (1987G) and his Father, David Jack (Old Johannian), met up with Eastern Canada Branch Secretary Nic Searle (1988W) in Toronto, Canada, on Monday 02 July 2018.

UK June Newsletter

To read the June UK Newsletter, click

UK OD Dinner 2018
The OD Office would like to thank Nicky Bicket (1973F), OD Branch Secretary for the UK, on behalf of all ODs, for his sterling work done with the UK Branch. Nicky reports:
What is the purpose of the ODU Dinner? It can’t just be a Sporting & Dining Club get-together for ODs to meet to have a “jolly good time” since with social media and the world a global village, ODs can - and do - arrange jolly good times for themselves.
But yet we still hold them – the largest being in Cape Town – but with others, specifically in the UK, holding their own. And here come 90 ODs, fifteen percent of the total up here, to do more than have a jolly good time; they come to renew relationships, rekindle memories and work at meeting ODs they have not known and build mutually beneficial networks which other than in and around their own years, they couldn’t otherwise do. And to celebrate their School which today plays an even more important and responsible role in South Africa than it might have done "in our time". So that when we drink a Toast to Bishops, it is in part recognising the past, but wishing it well (and committing our support) for its future. Read the full article

Selected photos from the 2018 UK Dinner are now available.
Please click on the UK blog to view them:

Thursday Touchies
ODs of any fitness level or of any age are most welcome to join other ODs for a 'lekker' game of touchies on Thursdays at Bishops.
The guys gather from around 16:30 onwards, do a bit of stretching, and then the fun gets uderway.
ODs are most welcome to join in from whatever time suits them.
The picture above shows the guys from Thursday's touchies, and they're holding OD Rugby supporters jerseys, signed by the 1968 Lions rugby players.
Next Thursday (12 July) will be the final game on the Cemetery field for the holidays, after which we continue playing on the Lutgensvale fields.
The feedback is really fantastic, and ODs are strongly encouraged to come join in.


Since the report on capital projects in last weeks newsletter, the Bishops estate has remained a hive of activity around maintenance and constructional improvements. Excessive tree branches are being felled, the reservoir is receiving a roof to reduce evaporation, and the Music Director, Mark Mitchell, is installing a restored Victorian doorbell with pull chain at The Lodge.
It makes one realise how much maintenance actually happened whilst we were all off on holidays during our time at school.
ODs will appreciate the sense of cost involved in keeping this maintenance up. It is lovely to showcase a beautiful campus during term time, and now one understands how much maintenance actually goes on once everyone has 'left'.
This presents ODs with a great oppertunity to thank the school for all the great facilities available for use during their time at school. Consider saying 'Thank You' by making a contribution to The Bishops Trust Capital projects component. It will make a difference!
To get an even better understanding of all the maintenance projects going on, please view "The Bishops Trust - Capital Projects" under 'Photos', or visit The Bishops Trust on the College website: www.bishops.org.za


Lukhanyo Neer (2008B)
Lukhanyo Neer (2008B) lead a panel discussion on Thursday 28 June at the National Education Collaboration Trust (NECT). The NECT is a collaborative response to the South African Government's National Development Plan's (NDP) education objective: that by the year 2030, 90% of learners pass maths, science and languages by at least 50%.
The panel discusses important questions like: What is innovation? And what determines 21st century skills or education?
Congratulations to Lukhanyo for playing such an active part in building South Africa's future!
For more pictures see 'ODs in the News' under 'Photos'.

Paul du Toit (1992W)
As was indicated in The Old Diocesan, Paul du Toit (1992W), was chosen to present Kom ons Kamp (Let's go camping) on VIA, an Afrikaans channel of DSTv. Paul articulates his words beautifully, has a gentle and encouraging tone of voice towards the contestants, and lifts the pace of the show with his energetic enthusiasm. Well done, Paul!
The following is taken from the DSTv website:
"Join Paul du Toit as he investigates everything from gourmet camp food to pop-up tent launching in the new and exciting programme that investigates the competitive side of the South African camping culture - Kom ons Kamp on VIA (DSTv channel 147) Fridays at 17:30 and Sundays at 20:00, and
streaming live on DSTv Now.
The avid camping host Paul du Toit took some time to share some of his best camping advice, tips, tricks and tales. Read full article HERE.

Glen Biderman-Pam (2007F)
Glen Biderman-Pam (2007F) stars in a refreshingly funny show called Off the Bench. The episodes are about 5 minutes each, and shows Glen, a massive Stormers fan, watch their games with a celebrity on his couch. Glen masterfully recreates the excitement of match day, despite interruptions by his inquiring mother, and the sports-mad Khanyisa Bunu. The celebrities comes across as being very relaxed and chat openly. Possibly that is due to the fact that the couch is actually an extension of Glen's room. This he vehemently denies, insisting that it is indeed a studio. Enjoy!
Congratulations Glen!
Off the Bench can be viewed on YouTube, or channel 122 on DSTv.

Cape Winemaker's Guild
A Cape Town community newspaper, Tygerburger, reported this week on the Cape Winemakers' Guild. As can be seen form The Old Diocesan, the ODU is blessed with many ODs in the wine industry. Last year The Mitre hosted the Cape Winemakers' Guild for their AGM. We are aware that some ODs are involved with the Cape Winemakers' Guild, and include this article here because of the wonderful difference these winemakers are making in the world. Enjoy!
Read full article

Bishops in the News
The People's Post, a Claremont/Rondebosch community newspaper, reports on Tuesday 3 July about a community project where the Bishops Interact Club is playing a leading role. Peter Hyslop, head of the arts department at Bishops, is driving this collaborative project called 'Schools for Liesbeek'. The programme consist of cleaning and maintaining a stretch of the Liesbeek river.
Peter explains: "The project teaches learners the importance of being involved in serving the community and showing them that caring for the environment and looking after the natural resources is one of many important ways of serving the community."
The Schools for Liesbeek project works with other schools in the area, charitable organisations, religious groups, and the City of Cape Town.
It is really encouraging that Bishops, despite all the other incredible requirements and demands, still prioritise 'service!'
Congratulations to Peter and his team. Peter is currently the longest serving staff member at Bishops, and is due to retire at the end of the year. The ODU wishes Peter well!
The article can also be viewed at:
Please see more photos on the article under 'Photos', and "School news".

Book Launch by Greg Mills (1979O)

Greg Mills (1979O) reports:
"For those who have not yet been able to do so, a reminder to RSVP for the launch of Saloons, Bars and Boykies in Johannesburg at Villa Arcadia on the Hollard Campus, 1700 for 1800, 2 August 2018.
Guest speakers include the Premier of Gauteng David Makhura, Jody Scheckter, and Supervan.
Please RSVP to [email protected] not later than 25 July 2018 – though spaces will be limited to 100 people and will be reserved on a first-come-first-served basis.
For those in the Cape, there is a launch, too, at the Crankhandle Club in Wynberg on the evening of 29 August. Please RSVP in this regard also to Ghairoon, above.


James Clark
James Clark was in the Pre-Prep for one year. He came to have a look at his old school, with his Grandmother, June Clark, when they popped into The Mitre. June was doing her student teaching at the Prep, when she married Doug Clark (Bishops staff 1953 - 1988). Many ODs will remember June giving swimming classes. Doug's father was an OD, and his sons Paul (1983O, and James' father) and David (1982O) are also ODs. We could thus show James, who matriculated from Bridge House School, that he had many Bishops connections. Previous newsletters have acknowledged June for her generous donation of some of Doug's books, now stored in the OD Boardroom (see photo under 'Donations'). It is another connection for James to the ODU!

On behalf of all ODs across the world, we convey our deepest condolences to the family and friends of Diane Nelson, who's death received much media coverage. Diane was the daughter of Don Nelson (1957G), sister to Russell Nelson (1991G), and Mother to Dylan Rowell (2016G). As a psychologist based in Claremont, Diane also helped many of the Bishops community. We wish the family peace during this time of mourning.


Bishops links with Scott and South Pole
The Old Diocesan found itself next to a significant monument in Cape Town, earlier this week. The monument was designed by Joseph Michael Solomon (1897-1903F) to commemorate the deaths of Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his companions during their 1910-1913 British Antarctic Expedition. Today, the monument consist of a bronze argosy, representing the Terra Nova, their polar expedition ship.
Originally the argosy was made of Elands River Stone. On 15 May 1916 John X. Merriman (1851-1855F) unveiled the memorial monument. It became weather beaten, and was irraparably damaged in June 1948. Bronze was thus used in the replica...Read full article

We Remember: Lieut. Dacre Lovett Haddon (1930-39)

On 06 July we remember Lieut. Dacre Lovett Haddon (1930-39).
Haddon was killed in action on 06 July 1944, at the age of 22, in Italy. He was Senior Prefect of Bishops in 1939, and a Rhodes Scholar elect.
The War Memorial Gates at the entrance to Bishops (the Ogilvie Memorial Gateway) was given by his parents in his memory.
At the Dedication of the gates, on Monday 18 November 1946, the Principle, Mr. H.J. Kidd said:
"I hope that you, and generations of those still to come, will read the inscription on the bronze plaque that accompanies these gates. For there beneath the Cross you will read the message of the cause for which these young men died, the cause of freedom. And below you will read the words "In limine", "On the threshold". These words are well written; that those who come and go by these gates in the years to come may pause and remember the sacrifice that is the basis of the Christian faith and life and of Christian education."
Also see related article in The Old Diocesan, on page 75.

Spotted Eagle-Owls outside Founders
Peter Steyn (1955O) writes in his autobiography, Memories of a Birdwatcher (see 'Publications by ODs' or page 48 of The Old Diocesan), that a big event in his birding career was sparked by a pair of Spotted Eagle-Owls roosting in a massive Stone Pine outside Founders House.
In fact, this led to a life-long passsion for owls, resulting in his book A Delight of Owls (1984)...Read full article


Owing to so much OD related news, it is often challenging to report on the wide range of Bishops activities.
For ease of use, we thus include links to the
Bishops Website, the Principal’s Newsletters, and also the UK OD Newsletter
Please enjoy spending some time reading these, as they are the best means of keeping up to date with Bishops.
The Rugby season has kicked off, to view the school rugby fixtures and other sports fixtures, click


Words by Principal H.J. Kidd at the Dedication of the War Memorial Gates:
“I hope that you, and generations of those still to come, will read the inscription on the bronze plaque that accompanies these gates. For there beneath the Cross you will read the message of the cause for which these young men died, the cause of freedom.”

Warm regards